You finding your way here was not an accident. Before continuing, make sure you’re in a quiet place and state of mind. Put down your phone, turn down the music. Sit comfortably. Take a deep breath. Bring your awareness to these words.

This list will change the world.
And your inner knowing wants to be on it. Think carefully though, before you add your name. Make sure you’re ready. To be ready means being curious about the depths and possibilities of unconditional love. It means being open to a new way of living and loving. A more expansive way. It means living outside of gossip and drama.
The commitment is only to yourself, but don’t take it lightly. The agreements are forever, they will challenge you, they likely run against your programming, and there is no going back.
People on the list will fall out of competition with each other. Rivalries, and any perceived importance of nationality, religion and race will dissolve. Love envelops all of that, and allows us to expand by letting go of attachments.

If you’re ready, begin here, and read this aloud:
My intention is to love unconditionally.
I agree to:
explore and transmit unconditional love in my life and in all of my relationships
lead with love even when it’s uncomfortable or seems unnecessary
work towards complete forgiveness of others and myself

By choosing to love unconditionally, so too will you be open and ready to receive unconditional love.
If this sounds like an adventure you want to go on, you can enter your name and press the ‘I agree’ button below. Your name will not be saved or sent anywhere. It will evaporate into the ether. No one will ever know whether you pressed the button or not. However, the way that you live will change and people may notice.